GroupDocs Signature is an online signature service that lets you collect signatures without the administrative overhead of printing, stuffing envelopes and posting. Simply email documents to your signers and wait for them to be signed. GroupDocs’ online signature app is platform and software independent: the only thing a user needs to sign a document is a web browser, no additional software is required. [caption id=“attachment_206” align=“aligncenter” width=“650” caption=“GroupDocs’ online signature app - New dashboard”]
The current GroupDocs Signature dashboard lets you upload documents and send them to be signed in minutes. It tracks the signing process and notifies you once a document is signed. The whole online document signing process is pretty simple, but recently we’ve added several new features to make it even more convenient: Contacts - allows you to add and save signers’ contact details. Signatures - lets you store your signature(s) in GroupDocs to make signing even faster. Templates - allows you to save common documents as templates and reuse them when needed. Now, let’s consider these enhancements more closely:
ContactsDo you find yourself sending documents to the same people all the time? Is there one team member that needs to counter-sign all the documents you sign? Our online signature app lets you save signers’ details in your contacts list. Enter a name, an email address and a title and include the contact whenever you need to get another document signed. [caption id=“attachment_205” align=“aligncenter” width=“647” caption=“Managing contacts in the GroupDocs’ online signature app”]
SignaturesDo you need to sign documents online on behalf of your colleagues? With GroupDocs’ online signature app, you can create several signatures so that you can sign for yourself or for one of your colleagues with a simple click. Even if you always sign documents in your own name, it’s a convenient approach to store your electronic signature in your GroupDocs account. This way, it is always at hand and you do not have to repeatedly upload your signature image and enter your name and title. [caption id=“attachment_203” align=“aligncenter” width=“650” caption=“Managing your signatures online”]
TemplatesNow, you can save an envelope as a template to speed up the sending process. A template holds a set of documents and signers so that all you have to do to get another document signed, is create a new envelope from the template and enter recipient emails before sending the document. Preparing documents for signature has never been such an easy task! [caption id=“attachment_204” align=“aligncenter” width=“650” caption=“Using templates for fast document preparation”]