The GroupDocs APIs are designed to be REST compliant so that they are familiar and easy to use. This post looks at how to use Swagger to test the GroupDocs APIs. Before showing you how to run a test, it explains Swagger and REST, and why we use them.

Why we use Swagger and RESTSwagger is a specification and a framework for building interactive API documentation and sandboxes, and to generate the code of an API client. Swagger ( was developed by in the course of the development of their own API ( The Swagger specification itself does not depend on specific programming languages, instead Swagger implementations are available in Scala, Java and HTML5. The API code generators ( are available in Scala, Java, JavaScript, Ruby, PHP, and Actionscript 3. Swagger can be found in github ( as can its supporting documentation ( To develop your own API server, you may follow the tutorial ( You’ll find project examples there too ( The main purpose of the Swagger project is to update documentation and API clients as fast as the service itself.

Swagger UIThe Swagger UI framework allows both developers and non-developers to interact with an API server in a simple and understandable way. While visualizing all the features of API the developer can test how the server responds to parameters and variables. The Swagger UI does not have any software dependencies and is very easy to use. Built with only HTML/CSS/JavaScript, it does not have very pleasant or intuitive interface yet. It may be run both locally and on the server. It may downloaded from Github ( A simple demo may be found on the Swagger developer’s website (

RESTREST is a style of software architecture for building distributed systems. The author of REST is Roy Fielding who is also one of the authors of the HTTP protocol. In REST, data is transferred with the help of a limited quantity of formats (HTML, XML, JSON) via HTTP. REST perfectly suits the development of extensible web-services.

  • To get the API key: Select the menu option My Account, then API and API Key.
  • To get the client ID: Select My Account, then API and Client ID.

Let us test an API on a simple example. Let’s say we need to acquire information on storage. Our actions:

  1. Open and specify your API Key in the top right corner.
  2. Open the Storage tab. We see a list with all possible actions.
  3. Select Get storage info. [caption id=“attachment_1407” align=“alignnone” width=“802” caption=“Swagger UI home page with list of applications”]Swagger UI home page with list of applications [/caption] In the frame we can see the parameters required to compile and submit a request. [caption id=“attachment_1411” align=“alignnone” width=“802” caption=“Live demo of the chosen API method”]Live demo of the chosen API method [/caption] The list of those parameters consists of three columns – parameter, value and description. The value field indicates which type of value it should be and if it is necessary or not. In our case we need to specify only one required parameter: userId, also known as Client ID, acquired above.
  4. After completing all required fields, click Try it on! and wait for the server to respond. The response from the server consists of four pieces of information: Request URL, Response Code, Response Body and Response Headers. [caption id=“attachment_1418” align=“alignnone” width=“803” caption=“Swagger UI shows results of executed API method”]Swagger UI shows results of executed API method [/caption]
  5. Enter the required information in the Response Body frame.

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