This article explains the basics of using PHP SDK classes and methods. In this article I’ll use the Comparison API and show how to compare two documents from a GroupDocs account. Find information about other methods in the Swagger explorer.
- PHP 5.3
- Apache ModRewrite
- PHP Curl extension
- PHP Sockets extension (php_sockets.dll)
- GroupDocs PHP SDK
- composer.phar (Download from or use the included version)
- FatFree framework (
We already know how to install the Fatfree framework and prepare for creating the sample from the previous article. So lets start with the magic.
Sample Creation: Creating the TemplateCreate a template file in the template folder and name it Comparison.htm. This generates a web page with a form for entering the necessary data such as user ID, private key and the file GUIDs for the two files that will be compared. The user can also enter a callback URL. How to get this data you can find out in the documentation.```
You entered: ClientID = {{@userId}} PrivateKey = {{@privateKey}} Source file Id = {{@sourceFileId}} Target file Id = {{@targetFileId}} Call back url = {{@callbackURL}}
The Template Code ExplainedThis code block shows the data the user entered. Here you can see code like this: \{\{@userId\}\}. In the Fatfree framework you must call a variable declared in the controller for the template.```
You entered:
ClientID = {{@userId}}
PrivateKey = {{@privateKey}}
Source file Id = {{@sourceFileId}}
Target file Id = {{@targetFileId}}
Call back url = {{@callbackURL}}
The next step in the template file creates a div block with the form for entering data: