Where to Get It?You can download the full version of Boilerplate template from the official website: http://html5boilerplate.com/. You can also can build your own optimized version of the template, choosing only the files you really need for your project here http://www.initializr.com/ For this tutorial I’ll use Initializr’s custom builder. I’ll go with the “Classic H5BP" settings for this one.

What’s Inside It?

meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1

before pushing the project to live, because it’s an option created by Microsoft mainly for development and testing purposes.

JavaScriptAt the start of the  you can see one more statement for enabling Chrome Frame in legacy browsers. I usually keep this since it might improve the user experience for someone out there. At the end of the , several scripts are loaded, make sure they stay there! The first two scripts load jQuery. The first one tries to load the library from Google’s servers and if it fails to do so the next script loads a local copy of jQuery to prevent potential problems with the site’s functionality. After those 2,  plugins.js and main.js swhould be included. Main.js is an empty file ready for your own JavaScript, and plugins.js is a file used to initialize plugins. And at the end of the file, you’ll find a Google Analytics script template where you can insert your GA ID to enable tracking. That’s all of the index.html file. Create your wrapper element inside the body of the document and start writing markup.

ConclusionBoilerplate is the perfect solution if you don’t have your own HTML template. You can extent it and edit it as much as you want to fit your project’s needs. You can use Initializr anytime you want to set up a different template output, or you can simply create a few versions of the template which are working for you and use them later on. It’s all up to you to decide. AR