At GroupDocs we always tries to improve our products and introduce new feature to provide quality and unique products to our valuable users. By maintaining our tradition we are pleased to announce monthly release of GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET 3.2.1 API. The latest release of our Document Annotation API provides new features, Improvement’s and fixes for existing features. GroupDocs.Annotation 3.2.1 included support to import annotations for word and PDF document format for all major annotation types (Highlight Text, Area Annotation, and Strikeout etc) also introducing export of different annotations for Word and PDF document format with all major supported annotations. Please download the latest release to use new exciting features to enhance your application with GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET
New Features Introduced - GroupDocs.AnnoationIn this monthly release All major Annotations for Words and PDF Document is now supported with import and export feature with improvement and enhancement. New feature lists are given below.
- Import Text-field annotation from Words Documents
- Implement Text-redaction annotation import from Word
- Tex-tStrikeout annotation import from Word
- Shape annotations import from Word
- Area annotation import from Word
- [Add native Word annotations after export Word documents to Text Replacement annotation]("Document Annotation")
- Text annotation import from Word
- Add native Word annotations after export Word documents
- Word annotations after export Word documents to Strikeout annotation
Improvements & Fixes - Document Annotation API
- Implement option for ability to auto-import annotations when opening PDF documents
- users permission for Delete annotations - Fix
For more details about supported conversions between different document formats, please visit this article.
Available Channels and ResourcesHere are a few channels and resources for you to download, learn, try and get technical support on GroupDocs.Annotation:
- Download - MSI Package as well as Zipped DLLs
- NuGet - NuGet install
- Documentation - Product Docs
- Examples/Showcases - Github source code examples
- Video Tutorials - YouTube videos
- Product Support Forum - Technical Support Forum for GroupDocs.Annotation