Team GroupDocs is really excited to announce the monthly release of GroupDocs.Search for .NET 17.1.0 API. We have introduced four new features in this release. The most notable feature introduced in this release is the functionality to merge indexes. The API has also extended its search functionality and introduces correction of a misspelled search query before searching. The latest API implements homophone dictionary functionality and alias dictionary functionality as well. Download the latest API and check out all the features introduced in this release.
GroupDocs.Search for .NET - New FeaturesGroupDocs.Search for .NET 17.1.0 introduces the following new features in this release:
- Ability to use alias dictionary
- Ability to use homophone dictionary
- Ability to correct misspelled words in search query before searching
- Ability to merge indexes
For further details, please visit Features Overview.
Available Channels and ResourcesHere are a few channels and resources for you to download, try, learn and get technical support on GroupDocs.Search:
- Download - MSI Package
- Zipped DLLs Download - DLLs
- NuGet - NuGet Install
- Documentation - API docs
- Examples/Plugins/Showcases - Source Code Examples and Open Source Application
- Video Tutorials - YouTube Videos
- Product Support Forum - Technical Support Forum for GroupDocs.Search