GroupDocs team is glad to announce another monthly release of .NET Document Comparison API v17.7.0 with advanced features like Cloning passwords and Cloning Metadata for all major file formats and adding support for new style settings. This monthly release is also including improvements like IComparisonStyle interface in cells file format along with fixes. Major Changes are done for HTML, PDF, Cells, Emails and Words document formats. Detailed information is listed below. Please Click here to download the latest API.
Major Changes - GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET
This monthly release of GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET 17.7.0 introducing four new features, like support of Bold, Italic, Underline and Strike Through in style settings also adding new feature applying/discarding for category of changes. In this monthly release some major Two improvements are also done like Defining Clone Ability for Cells and support of IComparisonStyle along with Three fixes. Here are some highlights:
Comparison API for .NET v17.7.0 New Features
- Add support of style settings: bold, italic, underline and strike through
- Setting for cloning passwords for all formats
- Cloning metadata settings
- Ability of applying or discarding for category of changes
.NET API - Improvements
These are the features that are improved in the latest version of the GroupDocs.Comparison API.
- Introduced IComparisonStyle interface for Cells document format
- Add clone ability
Document Comparison API - Fixes
These are the bug fixes that are implemented in the latest version of the GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET v 17.7.0 API.
- getting style change when content of the cell is not changed for Cells
- style change when content of the cell is not changed for Cells
- Improve accepting and rejecting of components with hyperlinks
For more details about supported document formats, please visit Features Overview.
Available Channels and Resources
Here are a few channels and resources for you to download, learn, try and get technical support on GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET API:
- Downloads-MSI Package and Zipped DLLs
- Nuget Package -NuGet Install
- Documentation -Product Docs
- Video Tutorials -YouTube Videos
- Support Forum -Technical Support Forum
- Example / Plugins-Github source code examples
You are always welcome to share your feedback and suggestions to improve this product, we take it very seriously and try to incorporate it as much as its possible for upcoming releases . We will be happy to know your thoughts. Just create a forum thread and our dedicated support team will be there to respond.
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