GroupDocs team is pleased to announce another hotfix release v17.10.2 of the GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET API. In earlier versions, bit depth was affected when removing metadata from Tiff files and the resultant image was turning into black and white. However, the API has been optimized to resolve this issue in the latest version. We recommend you to download or update your applications to use the latest version of the API.
Metadata Extraction API - Bug Fixes
Following issue has been fixed in this hotfix release.
- Bit Depth is affected while removing metadata from Tiff file
For details about the features supported by the API, please visit Features Overview.
Available Channels and Resources
Here are a few channels and resources for you to download, learn, try and get technical support on GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET.
- Download - MSI Package as well as Zipped DLLs
- NuGet - NuGet Installation
- Documentation - API Documentation
- Examples/Plugins/Showcases - Source Code Examples, Plugins, and Metadata Editor Application
- Video Tutorials - YouTube API Videos
- Product Support Forum - Technical Support Forum for GroupDocs Metadata
- As always, if you have some questions, queries or suggestions about GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET API, just share with us by creating a forum thread.