Team GroupDocs is glad to announce another monthly release of GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET v17.11. This release includes some improvements and fixes. The API now allows style changes for deep comparison in Note document format. Document comparison API also made improvements related to the PDF document format beside improving Note and Word formats. Please click here to download the latest API and check out all the latest improvements made to the REST API in this release.
.NET Comparison API v17.11 - Improvements
The following improvements have been made to the GroupDocs.Comparison API in this latest release:
Improvements - PDF:
- Refactor document builder using new content map
- Implemented page content map
- Improved Check and fix columns comparing
- Updated pdf structure
Other Improvements:
- Improve Style changed deep for Comparison
- Add ParagraphMerger for Comparison
- Add IntermediateParagraphComparer to Words
Document Comparison API v17.11 - Fixes
A number of bugs have also been resolved in the latest release of GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET API.
- Intermediate paragraphs problem in Word
- Fixed special cases of word division
- Break line in the middle of a word
- Infinite loop in image rectangle PDF
- Insert and Delete empty paragraph before text
- Tables with similar coordinates overlap on each other
Available Channels and Resources
Here are a few channels and resources for you to download, learn, try and get technical support on GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET API:
- Downloads-MSI Package and Zipped Format
- Nuget Package -NuGet Install
- Documentation -Product Docs
- Video Tutorials -YouTube Videos
- Support Forum -Technical Support Forum
- Example / Plugins-Github source code examples
You are always welcome to share your feedback and suggestions to improve this product, we take it very seriously and try to incorporate it as much as its possible for upcoming releases . We will be happy to know your thoughts. Just create a forum thread and our dedicated support team will be there to respond.