
GroupDocs.Conversion for Java 18.7 covers a new feature and a bug fix. MSG to PDF conversion issue is now resolved. Please take a look over the release notes to get an idea about the changes introduced.

MailOption to control conversions from emailA new class EmailOptions is implemented in SaveOptions. Using that email options can be managed.```

PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions(); EmailOptions emailOptions = options.getEmailOptions(); emailOptions.setDisplayHeader(true); emailOptions.setDisplayEmailAddress(true);
emailOptions.setDisplayFromEmailAddress(true); emailOptions.setDisplayToEmailAddress(true); emailOptions.setDisplayCcEmailAddress(true); emailOptions.setDisplayBccEmailAddress(true);

## Bug Fixes

*   MSG to PDF conversion displays incorrect time in the header

## Available Channels and ResourcesHere are a few channels and resources for you to download, learn, try and get technical support on GroupDocs.Conversion:

*   [API Home]( "Product Home") - GroupDocs.Conversion for Java
*   [Download]( "Download API") - GroupDocs.Conversion for Java Download
*   [Documentation]( "Documentation") - Product Documentation
*   [Examples/Plugins/Showcases]( "Example projects") - GitHub source code examples
*   [Video Tutorials]( - YouTube Videos
*   [Product Support Forum]( "Support forum") \- Technical Support Forum for GroupDocs.Conversion