We are delighted to announce the monthly releaseof GroupDocs.Metadata for Java 18.9. Using the latest version, you can now read EXIF metadata in PSD format, and read or update common TIFF/EXIF tags using shortcut properties in TIFF images. Moreover, memory consumption is now reduced to perform metadata operations for JPEG, GIF and TIFF file formats, and classes representing TIFF tags are now refactored. Additionally, GroupDocs.Metadata.Formats.Document.InspectionResult class, Metadata.ContentProperties property, and EpubFormat.GetImageCoverBytes method are now marked obsolete. We recommend you to install and use the latest version of the API.
Features IntroducedFollowing is the new feature introduced in version 18.9.
For details about the features supported by the API, please visit Features Overview.
EnhancementsFollowing are the enhancements introduced in version 18.9.
- Ability to read and update common TIFF/EXIF tags in TIFF images
- Reduced memory consumption for GIF format’s loading and saving
- Reduced memory consumption for JPEG format’s loading and saving
- Reduced memory consumption for TIFF format’s loading and saving
- Removed EpubFormat.GetImageCoverBytes method (obsolete code)
- Removed GroupDocs.Metadata.Formats.Document.InspectionResult class (obsolete code)
- Removed XlsMetadata.ContentProperties property (obsolete code)
- Get specific TIFF tags
- Updated metadata search API
- Updated metadata comparison API
FixesFollowing are the bug fixes in the latest version.
- Unable to add TiffTag to EXIF tags
- Unable to remove Title, Subject, Authors, and Copyright fields in Tiff file
- TIF file SetSubject() method updates Tags field instead of Subject
Breaking ChangeSince version 18.9, the Metered licensing security has been improved. Metered licensing is now applicable only in Java runtime version 8u101 or above. Please use other types of licensing if you are using v18.9 or greater in Java 7.
Available Channels and ResourcesHere are a few channels and resources for you to download, try, learn and get technical support on GroupDocs.Metadata for Java:
- Installation - Install GroupDocs.Metadata from Maven
- Documentation – API docs
- Examples – Source code examples
- Product Support Forum – Technical support forum for GroupDocs.Metadata product family