We at GroupDocs, are pleased to announce another monthly release of GroupDocs.Signature for .NET. This latest release 18.12 of the API comes up with a feature to add and search for Metadata Signatures in Images. Apart from that, a few fixes and improvements are also introduced in this version, therefore, we recommend you to download the new version of the API to evaluate the exciting new features and enhance your document e-signing experience.
Search Metadata Signature in ImagesYou can search for Metadata Signatures within the Images. Following example demonstrates how to search Metadata Signatures in Images:```
// setup search options ImagesSearchMetadataOptions searchOptions = new ImagesSearchMetadataOptions(); // search document SearchResult result = handler.Search(fileName, searchOptions);
# Improvements
* Extend Form-Field signature name automatically with number prefix for multiple-pages options
* Handling exceptions with proper details and exception type
# Bug Fixes
* Skip Output folder when SaveOptions.OutputFileName is set as absolute path
* Exception is fired when searching in PDF documents for Form-Fields that were setup without name
# Available Channels and Resources
Here are a few channels and resources for you to learn, try and get technical support on **GroupDocs.Signature** **API for .NET**:
* [NuGet](https://www.nuget.org/packages/groupdocs.signature "GroupDocs.Signature for .NET NuGet") - Nuget install
* [Documentation](https://docs.groupdocs.com/display/signaturenet/Home "Signing API Documentation") - Product Docs
* [API References](https://apireference.groupdocs.com/net/signature "API References") – Signature API References
* [Examples](https://github.com/groupdocs-signature/GroupDocs.Signature-for.NET "Signing API Examples") - Examples, Showcases and Plugins
* [Product Support Forum](https://forum.groupdocs.com/c/signature "GroupDocs.Signature for .NET Support forum") \- Technical Support Forum for GroupDocs.Signature
* [Video Tutorials](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL25CTxMCj5vO7U3a710gc0btpJw5enZwT "GroupDocs.Signature for .NET tutorials") \- YouTube Video Tutorials
# Feedback
As always, you are welcome to share your feedback to improve this product. We will be happy to know your thoughts. Just create a [forum thread](https://forum.groupdocs.com/c/signature) and our dedicated support team will be there to respond.