GroupDocs.Merger now supports diagram formats such as VSDFX, VSDM, VSSX, VSSM and VTX . It allows you to swap, rotate or trim pages in diagrams. Apart for that, you can also set or remove password protection of diagrams. This API comes in both Java and .NET platforms and could be integrated in any your .NET or Java application without any dependency.
Features for Diagrams Format
Swap Pages:
This feature allows you to exchange the position of two pages in the document. Following are the lines of code which can be used to swap pages in the diagram:
Above lines of code are used to swap pages of following VSDX file:
Finally, after performing swap operation on VSDX, the output looks as follows:
Move Page:
This feature allows you to change position of the pages within the document. Following are the lines of code which can be used to change order of the pages in the diagram:
Remove Page:
Using this feature you can remove single or collection of pages from the document. Following example demonstrates how to remove pages in the diagram:
Split Document:
You can split document into several resulting documents using this feature. Following is the example to split diagram:
Trim Document:
This feature allows you to cut the specific pages of the document. Following are the lines of code which can be used to trim the diagram:
Change Pages Orientation:
This feature allows you to change pages orientation. Following code sample shows how to change orientation of the pages in the diagram: