Render Filtered Messages from Outlook Data Files using GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET 19.1
We are delighted to announce that we have rolled out version 19.1 of GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET. The latest version brings five new features, three bug fixes, and three improvements. You can now obtain the email messages as well as filter the messages contained in Outlook Data Files (OST/PST). Furthermore, we have extended our list of supported file formats by adding the support of VCF file format. Please have a look at the release notes for more details on new features, fixes, and improvements.
New Features and Extended Support of File Formats in GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET 17.8.0
Another month, another version. Today we are releasing version 17.8.0 of GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET. This version resolves a number of bugs that were found in prior releases. Furthermore, we have added the support of more file formats as well as introduced new features in this monthly release. Please continue to find out more about version 17.8.0.
Rendering Documents with Comments {#GroupDocs.Viewerfor.NET17.8.0ReleaseNotes-RenderingdocumentswithComments}From version 17.8.0, we have extended the support of rendering document comments.
Partially Render Large Excel Sheets with GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET 17.1.0
We are delighted to announce that the first monthly release of GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET for the year 2017 is out and available. Using GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET 17.1.0 users will be able to partially render the large Excel sheets. The latest version also supports the configuration of ViewerConfig class via app.config or web.config file. Furthermore, 9 issues have been fixed in this release. Continue to read more about v17.1.0.
GroupDocs.Viewer for .
GroupDocs.Viewer 2.0 - New Features and Improvements in the Document Viewer for .NET Library (Part B)
Greetings!This is Part B of my post looking at the new features and enhancements to the GroupDocs document viewer for .NET version 2.0. For those of you who missed my previous post, please find it here. This time I’m going to continue describing the core updates that the library has seen in the second major release. So, here we go:
Enhanced Text Search OptionsGroupDocs.Viewer 2.0 includes a lot of helpful text search improvements.
GroupDocs.Viewer 2.0 - Enhancements and New Features in the Document Viewer for .NET Library (Part A)
Greetings!We’re pleased to announce a major update of the GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET library: version 2.0. This version of the document viewer has a lot of new features, improvements and bug fixes. You’ll find a complete list of updates and the new library itself here. In this and the next article, I’d like to take a closer look at the updates that I think you’ll be the most interested. So here we go: