
Search Text or Image Signatures in Documents using GroupDocs.Signature for .NET 19.10

With the release of version 19.10 of our electronic signature API - GroupDocs.Signature for .NET, we have introduced the features of searching text signatures and image signatures in the supported document formats. Not only this, the API now supports .NET Standard 2.0 which makes it compatible with any .NET implementation that targets .NET Standard specifications. So let’s have a brief overview of what is new, improved or fixed in the latest release.
November 13, 2019 · 3 min · Usman Aziz

Introducing a More Optimized and Simplified Electronic Signature API

Why change is considered as a hard but yet good thing to occur? Why the updates are important? This is because if there is no change there is no progress and staying the same over the time makes the things die. The updates in the software components are also similar when a new version of the same software replaces the old one. A software that remains the same and doesn’t introduce any improvements or new features becomes obsolete.
August 30, 2019 · 3 min · Usman Aziz

Sign Documents with Encrypted Custom Objects

Hello guys! It’s been a while since my last post about GroupDocs.Signature for Java. So, our Java community might have been waiting for something new regarding our e-signature API. Well, we have recently released version 19.7 of GroupDocs.Signature for Java and today, I shall give you an overview of something interesting that we have introduced in our latest release. In the last couple of months, we introduced a quite valuable feature in the .
August 2, 2019 · 3 min · Usman Aziz

Embed Custom Objects in Metadata Signature for Images

Yes, GroupDocs.Signature for .NET now supports embedding custom objects as metadata signature in the images. So you can now sign the images with your desired metadata properties. We have introduced this feature in version 19.6 by adding a new public method AddSignature to the ImageMetadataSignOptions class. Not only this, but you can also apply the data encryption to the custom objects. So let’s check out how easy it is to sign an image with custom metadata signature.
July 9, 2019 · 2 min · Usman Aziz

Use Custom Objects as Metadata Signature in Word Processing, Presentation, and Spreadsheet Documents

Guys! We have recently released version 19.5 of GroupDocs.Signature for .NET with some extended features, a few bug fixes, and improvements. So in this post, I am going to give you a brief overview of the new features that we have introduced in the latest release. Furthermore, I shall also list the issues that are fixed as well as the improvements that we have made in v19.5. First of all, let’s checkout what new the latest release has brought for you.
June 19, 2019 · 2 min · Usman Aziz

GroupDocs.Signature for Java 19.5 Supports Rounded Corners for Stamp Signature

Many people use stamps as part of their documents to mark them as approved or completed. For example, when a document is to be signed by the concerned person at a company, he puts his signature as well as stamps the document as a proof that the document is signed by the authorized person. In other words, the stamps are used to seal the document that is being exchanged among multiple persons/parties.
June 18, 2019 · 2 min · Usman Aziz

Online Signature Plugin from GroupDocs Now Available for Google Chrome

Google Chrome users have a reason to get excited. We’ve announced the launch of the GroupDocs Signature plugin for Chrome. This online signature plugin lets you share documents from your Gmail account and collect signatures online. Open the document, upload the signature and send it via email. It takes only seconds to sign documents. Compatibility with popular file-formats is an important feature of the application. GroupDocs Signature is an online signature app that supports signing and sending business documents through a web-browser.
July 24, 2013 · 4 min · Derek Hyland

How to Streamline Your Document Signing Using Online Signature?

A steady document signing process is the back bone of any contract-oriented organization. Conventional signing process leaves you with piles of signed documents, difficult to handle and archive. Also, the documents are passed around different departments, either getting lost or eating up too much time delaying the signing process. Online signature is the answer to all these concerns. Save your time and effort with GroupDocs’ online signatureSay good bye to lost signed documents and tons of paper piling up in your office!
April 12, 2013 · 3 min · Derek Hyland

Working with Groupdocs Signature API from Ruby

Today we will find out how to use GroupDocs’ Ruby SDK. We will create a GroupDocs Signature envelope sample with the Sinatra framework. GroupDocs Signature envelopes are used to prepare documents for digital signature and managing the signature process. Setting UpFirst, create the application folders structure: your_app/public – for CSS files. your_app/samples – for sample files. your_app/views – for view files, we will use Haml for these. Also we need to create a Gemfile in our project’s root directory with the following content: https://gist.
February 11, 2013 · 5 min · Derek Hyland